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    P1: Ichthyology II

    2021-07-26   16:00 - 18:00

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    1.  16:00  A New Cryptic Species of the Primitive Acanthomorph Genus Polymixia from Bermuda and the Gulf of Mexico. Terry Grande*, Loyola University Chicago; Mark Wilson, University of Alberta

    A recent study of relationships and diversity within the primitive acanthomorph genus Polymixia found up to four unnamed species in three oceans. One of the unnamed species formed a clade of three multi-locus genetic samples, two from Bermuda. Three barcode samples also formed a cluster in the BOLD database. The new species is thus a true cryptic species, which would not have been detected without the DNA results. The new species is closely related to another unnamed species from the Indian and South Pacific oceans near Australia plus P. japonica from off Japan. Vouchers for the two adult Bermuda samples of the new species were found at the Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo (BAMZ). These two, designated as holotype and paratype, were originally identified as P. lowei. They were caught in 1997 at 512 m depth off the northwest slope of the Bermuda platform. The third barcode sample was recently matched to a small juvenile caught in 2015 by a midwater trawl of the DEEPEND Consortium in north-central Gulf of Mexico. We also examined specimens of two other species from Bermuda waters (P. loweiand the type species, P. nobilis), confirming that the waters around Bermuda are home to three species of Polymixia. Adults of the new species are distinguished meristically, morphometrically, osteologically, and by color pattern from other species in the genus. The new species is named in honor of Gloria E. Hollister (1900–1988), pioneering ichthyologist, tropical explorer, conservationist, and key member of the Beebe bathysphere expeditions in Bermuda.

    2.  16:00  On the Importance of Fossil Occurrence Data for Understanding the Evolution and Distribution of the Freshwater Drum in North America. Lauren Fuelling, Wright State University - Lake Campus; Stephen Jacquemin*, Wright State University - Lake Campus; Gary Stringer, University of Louisiana - Monroe; Austin Smith, Wright State University - Lake Campus; Charles Ciampaglio, Wright State University - Lake Campus

    The Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) represents one of the most unique freshwater fish in North America given its niche and occupancy of one of the largest modern geographic ranges of any freshwater fish. Understanding the evolutionary history of any taxon is challenging, however, as the paleontological and archaeological published record is notoriously poor for the majority of North American freshwater fish. Moreover, as these records are developed through museum holdings or faunal descriptions, few studies assemble these records into a useable review format for better understanding the divergence and biogeography of extant taxa. Therefore, the objective of this study was to concatenate the entire fossil history of the genus Aplodinotus in one work to better understand the evolutionary history of the genus and how it may have led to the last surviving Aplodinotus.Through a series of literature reviews, herein we document 50 paleontological and archaeological sites containing A. grunniensremains dating from Holocene to late Miocene as well as 11 paleontological sites containing remains from 5 other extinct members of the Aplodinotusgenus ranging from early Oligocene to early Miocene. Based on these depositional dates and geographic localities, we support the hypothesis that A. grunnienshas an origin in the Gulf of Mexico, but it is not yet clear whether it evolved from one of the brackish/marine ancestors already known or a transitional taxa yet to be discovered.

    3.  16:00  Exploring the ecological and morphological consequences of scale-predation on a fish prey species. David Lonzarich*, UW - Eau Claire; David May, UW - Eau Claire; Leo Lonzarich, Grinnell College

    Scale predation, although rare, is a feeding strategy known from several teleost families. In this study, we explored the ecological and morphological consequences of scale predation on a prey species from a species flock on San Salvador island, The Bahamas. We collected the prey (Cyprinodon variegatus) from six island lakes (three with and three without the scale-predator, C. desquamator), and obtained fitness metrics (gonadosomatic index and condition factor) and measured morphological characters (via truss analysis) for 300 fish from each lake type. The averageGSI for C. variegatus in predator lakes was more than twice that of females from non-predator lakes, but individualsfrom non-predator lakes had significantly higher condition factor scores. In predator lakes, we also found that GSI and CF scores varied inversely with respect to body size - smaller preyhad higher GSI and lower CF scores than larger individuals in the same lakes. Collectively, these findings suggest that scale predation affects energy allocation and age-specific patterns of energy investment in the prey species. Employing a linear discriminant analysis approach, we found that C. variegatus from non-predator lakes were morphologically indistinguishable but morphologically distinct from conspecifics in predator lakes. Most of this variability was explained by attributes associated with the caudal peduncle. The work is significant in part because it is the first to describe the effects of scale predation on a prey population, but also because it reinforces the view that scale predation has been an important driver behind the evolution of this fish species flock.

    4.  16:00  Parental Analysis of Mouthbrooding Marine Catfish, Ariopsis felis. Katherine Lanoue*, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; Charles Cotton, State University of New York Cobleskill; Dean Grubbs, Florida State University; Elizabeth Hunt, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; David Portnoy, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

    There is limited knowledge about the mating behavior of mouth brooding marine catfish species, such as the hardhead, Ariopsis felis. During reproduction, eggs are released by females into the surrounding water and fertilized by males. The male catfish then carries the fertilized eggs in its mouth for several months, before releasing offspring in near shore habitats. This type of reproductive strategy lends itself to polygyny and alternative mating strategies, such as brood parasitism. While these topics have been previously explored in other fish species, they have yet to be addressed in marine catfishes. To investigate this, double digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD) was used to genotype several males as well as all members of broods collected from their mouths. Kinship was assessed among members of each brood to determine the number of contributing females and parentage was assessed between the male and each of his putative offspring to look for evidence of brood parasitism.

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