HPS 64th Annual Meeting

7-11 July 2019

Single Session

[Schedule Grid]

EV43 - PEP 2F: Evaluation of MARSSIM and MARSAME Surveys, Part 2 (Stuenkel)

Lake Monroe   10:30 - 12:30

The Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) provides guidance on how to demonstrate that a site complies with applicable radiation dose- or risk-based release criteria. In a similar way, the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment (MARSAME) manual, a supplement to MARSSIM, provides guidance on how determine proper disposition of materials and equipment. While both MARSSIM and MARSAME and provide comprehensive guidance, the focus of both is on the design and evaluation of final surveys, known as final status surveys in MARSSIM and disposition surveys in MARSAME. This presentation will discuss the evaluation of these surveys. For final status surveys in MARSSIM, this will include preliminary data review, performance of statistical tests and performance of the elevated measurement comparison. For disposition surveys in MARSAME, this will include preliminary data review, evaluation of the measurement uncertainty, and comparison to an upper confidence limit. Illustrative examples will be used to demonstrate these concepts. (Part two of two)

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