HPS 64th Annual Meeting

7-11 July 2019

Single Session

[Schedule Grid]

EV52 - PEP 3F: Technical Basis and Operational Experience for Clearance of Personal Property from SLAC Accelerator Facilities (Liu, Ford, Allan, Rokni)

Lake Monroe   14:00 - 16:00

At high energy particle accelerators, induced radioactivity in accelerator components or materials can occur as a direct or indirect consequence to exposure to the particle beam and/or the secondary radiation particles due to beam losses. Management of the potentially activated materials is an important part of the radiation protection program. This presentation addresses the release of the materials from radiological control (i.e., clearance of personal property) in accelerator facilities to meet the DOE Order 458.1 requirements. SLAC, a high-energy electron accelerator facility, has successfully release metals for recycle in the past few years. The SLAC material clearance program with its technical bases are consistent with the DOE Technical Standard DOE-STD-6004-2016 on “Clearance and Release of Personal Property from Accelerator Facilities”. The technical bases that support the clearance of metals (e.g., aluminum, iron, steel, copper, and lead) associated operational experience at SLAC will be presented. The emphasis of the technical basis is placed on the volumetric radioactivity aspects, instead of surface contamination, due to potential activation at high-energy accelerator facilities and the more challenging measurement methods for volumetric radioactivity. The technical basis includes process knowledge (e.g., characteristics of induced radioactivity, proxy radionuclides versus the hard-to-measure radionuclides, and surface maximum activity), measurement protocols (including quantification of detection capability), and a release criterion based on that the release measurements are indistinguishable from background (IFB). SLAC has developed and implemented a material management and release program for the material clearance and metal recycling. The program includes the establishment of radiation detection instrumentation and measurement methods to meet the ANSI N13.12 screening level requirements for clearance of accelerator materials. These instruments include portable instruments with sufficient detection capability for survey on material surfaces, field gamma spectrometer for confirmatory measurements, and a portal gate monitor. The discussion will also include best practices for instrument set-up, field measurements, documentation and record management, and communication with stakeholders. A summary of recycling progress, as well as lessons learned and mitigation of safety hazards, at SLAC will be provided.

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