MPM-B - Board of Director's Special Session: Changes in Director's Roles and HPS Strategic Plan Orlando V 14:30 - 17:00
Chair(s): Tara Medich
14:30 Summary of and Rationale for Governance Changes EW Abelquist*, ORAU
Abstract: A summary of the governance changes implemented following the Bylaws changes ratified by the membership in 2017. This presentation discusses the reasons why these changes were suggested and explains expected benefits.
14:45 Role of Director in Revised HPS Governance Mode M Lewandowski*, 3M Corporate
Abstract: HPS governance changes implemented in 2018 resulted in significant changes to role of HPS Director. This presentation will enumerate the expectations for Directors under the new paradigm and illustrate the enhanced role of Directors in managing the HPS.
15:00 History of HPS Strategic Planning: Dodd, Simpkins, Lanza AA Simpkins*, NV5
Abstract: A summary of the strategic planning initiatives during the past two decades illustrating the work done by numerous HPS members that led to the governance changes implemented in 2018.
15:15 A Strategic Board: Implementation of HPS Strategic Planning 2016 to Today M Lewandowski*, 3M
Abstract: The most recent revision of the HPS strategic planning process began in 2016 and culminated in the implementation of significant governance changes in 2018. The governance changes included a more formal role for the HPS Board in strategic planning and introduced a strategic planning cycle. This presentation will describe the strategic planning process currently in use and examine the roles of the HPS Executive Committee, Director, Committees and Task Forces, and Strategic Planning Advisor in the implementation of the current strategic planning process.
15:45 HPS 2017 Goal Priority A1, Leverage Annual Meeting Resources to Engage Members - Presentations JM Mahathy*, ORAU
Abstract: The purpose of priority A1, "Leverage annual meeting resources to engage members" is to maximize the value of meetings for our members, to their employers, and to affiliates; and to promote engagement of membership at Society meetings. The priority was broken into several tasks. The first task, Obtain feedback from members regarding HPS presentations, sought to identify potential enhancements or tools meeting presenters might use to engage audience and encourage participation with the presenter. Over the past year we solicited your ideas and comments on engaging members in presentations. Recommendations obtained during work on this task will be presented along with the plan to implement those recommendations.
16:00 HPS 2017 Goal Priority A1, Leverage Annual Meeting Resources to Engage Members – PDS and PEP Talks TL Morgan III*, HPS
; JM Mahathy, ORAU
Abstract: The purpose of priority A1, "Leverage annual meeting resources to engage members" is to maximize the value of meetings for our members, to their employers, and to affiliates; and to promote engagement of membership at Society meetings. Key components to engage members are the professional development school (PDS) and Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talks. Over the past year we solicited your ideas and comments to ensure HPS structures both PDS and PEP activities to meet needs of our membership and engaging members in presentations. Results of the HPS member poll on PDS and PEP with be presented along with recommendations for future educational activities.
16:15 HPS 2017 Goal Priority A1, Leverage Annual Meeting Resources to Engage Members – Affiliate Interactions SC Perle*, HPS
; JM Mahathy, ORAU
Abstract: The purpose of priority A1, "Leverage annual meeting resources to engage members" is to maximize the value of meetings for our members, to their employers, and to affiliates; and to promote engagement of membership at Society meetings. The Society realizes that affiliates are an integral part of our Society and our technical meetings. Over the past year we have solicited ideas and suggestions from our affiliates and members on enhancing interactions and engagements between our members at meetings and affiliates. Results and feedback obtained from that effort and during the annual affiliates’ breakfast will be presented.
16:30 Leading to the future: opportunities for early career members EA Caffrey*, Risk Assessment Corporation
Abstract: Our short term goals and annual priorities are geared to moving us from the HPS of today to the HPS of tomorrow. Early career HPS members are in a unique position to lead HPS to the future. This presentation illustrates what early career individuals have to offer to HPS and encourages early career members to actively participate in HPS activities, including leadership.
16:45 Panel Discussion: Director Experiences with governance change and strategic planning JS Braun, Mayo Clinic
; K Berry, Fox Chase Cancer Center; JM Mahathy*, ORAU; JJ Whicker, LANL
Abstract: Current Directors share their experiences with the governance change and the implementation of the strategic planning process. Directors will answer questions from audience members and prospective Director candidates.