MPM-C - Academic Health Physics Centennial Ballroom 300C 14:30 - 16:45
Chair(s): Steve Grimm, Angela Meng
14:30 Development of the Research Facilities to Support a Next Generation University Research Reactor NA Hugger*, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
; DC Medich, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Abstract: The Nuclear Science and Engineering Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and Westinghouse LLC are collaborating on a design for a next generation University Research Reactor (URR) that can also provide a zero-emission source of energy to the campus. Funded by the NRC, we are studying how an eVinci 5MWe microreactor can be used as the source of this next generation research reactor facility. To that end, our first step is to develop a MCNP model of the eVinci reactor to determine the radiation fields created during operations and the shielding needed to meet the regulatory requirements. As part of validation, our radiation field model is compared against Westinghouse’s Serpent model. Next, our model is used to develop integrated research facilities. Of primary interest are thermal neutron columns for imaging and enhanced flux ex-core facilities for activation experiments.
14:45 Radiation Safety for Animal Research Study - Columbia University’s Experience RA Meng*, Columbia University
; PF Caracappa, Columbia University
Abstract: The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees preclinical research use of animals at Columbia University. A variety of animal models may be used for translational research such as mice, pigs and non-human primates. Radiation use in animal research may include X-ray imaging, administration of radioactive tracers and whole body external irradiation. IACUC relies on Radiation Safety to review research protocols that propose use of radiation in animal study. The review process ensures that appropriately trained staff are available and that procedures are in place to meet safety and regulatory requirements. We may set up an initial consultation to provide regulatory and operational guidance. We also provide training to radiation users, veterinarian and ancillary staff at animal housing facility, perform radiation and research monitoring surveys, and provide radiation dosimetry services. Radiation safety plays a key role in these studies and works with researchers, animal housing facility and any radiation-generating device owners so that desired research outcome can be obtained while keeping staff safe and maintaining regulatory compliance.
15:00 Mysteries at the Radiation Safety Office SL Grimm*, Georgia Institute of Technology
Abstract: Contamination is detected throughout the lab, even the elevator and break room! Efficiency readings are calculated on a survey instrument that seem to differ based on what part of the country you’re in! Several different ion chambers are found to be failing calibration at the same time! What is going on here? This presentation details some recent mysteries that emerged at the Georgia Tech Radiation Safety Office and the thought processes that were used to try and understand the unusual circumstances that we were presented with. These situations required the use of basic health physics skills and knowledge to understand and investigate. Concepts to be discussed include isotope identification though liquid scintillation counting, gamma counting, and high purity germanium detection; calibration of various radiation detection equipment; and use of calibration standards for evaluation of instrument performance. Finally, rationale for decisions and conclusions made as a consequence of these findings will be discussed.
15:15 Experiencing Ionizing Radiation: A Virtual Reality Radiation Protection Game MB Robinson*, University of Michigan
; JD Noey, University of Michigan; EY Lieng, University of Michigan; HS Mumick, University of Michigan; GA Nunu, University of Michigan; MN Wade, University of Michigan; KJ Kearfott, University of Michigan
Abstract: Virtual reality game design is an emergent tool that will be helpful for students in learning about nuclear engineering and radiation protection. To create an engaging, cross-platform virtual reality game that is fun to play and gets students interested in the nuclear sciences, Blender software was used to create advanced settings, buildings, rooms, characters, and all specialized items that will ultimately be imported into the game. The software platform Unity was used to develop features, sound effects, and build all the game functions. The predominantly undergraduate game development team was split into two sub-teams centered around the two software packages, with all team members contributing to overall game design. Goals included adding sound, bringing the game to life, mastering engaging user interaction with non-playable interactive characters, improving the overall look of the game, introducing special objects such as different radiation detectors, and implementing increasingly more realistic radiation physics. The team was able to successfully 3D scale all sound so that depending on the distance and position of the sound source, the volume and which ear the sound is played will be affected. It was also made possible to trigger a non-playable character to speak and give instructions upon the user approach, enhancing game realism for the user. The team continues to create new and interesting levels for players to experience. The game should ultimately interactively teach the concepts of radioactive decay, the inverse-square law, attenuation, and the different types of radiation.
15:45 Break
16:15 A Training Program For General Laboratory Workers At Academic Institutions JJ Pickering*, Emeritus
Abstract: It is common that in most institutions, such at universities or pharmaceutical institutions, that management of laboratories is performed by a senior researcher who is authorized radioactive materials and x-ray systems as a tool in his/her research. They seldom are experienced in managing the radiation safety issues associated with their operation. Most radiation safety training programs are directed toward a radiation safety staff (i.e., health physicist or technicians) or were made available online for the individual to read and learn. This lack of direct training results in surveys performed poorly (if at all), inventories are fragmented, contamination is experienced, the workers have little understanding of the hazards associated with handling radioactive materials. This places the researcher and institution in conflict with regulatory requirements. The radiation staff becomes viewed as unwelcomed inspectors. Training programs at institutions typically have a website where the workers are to acquire the information by reading. The training at most institutions is left to the researcher for implementation. He/she is left with no incentive or training support. It is common for the researcher to assign the task of managing his/her operation to a student worker. At one institution a training program was implemented where all radiation workers were REQUIRED (incentive) to complete a training program that was 40-hours to include hand-on performance-based laboratory activities, homework, lectures and test. The learner was required to pass the course with at least 80 percent passing score to receive a certificate of training (incentive). The results showed an 80 percent reduction in non-compliance. The training became a 2-unit academic course at the university (incentive). The course was taught by the Radiation Safety Officer (training support to the researcher). This course program is described as part of the presentation.
16:30 Radiation Detection Design Challenges for a First Year Undergraduate Introductory Engineering Course KJ Kearfott*, University of Michigan
; AJ Kent, University of Michigan; ME Trager, University of Michigan; JD Noey, University of Michigan
Abstract: All engineering undergraduate students at the University of Michigan are required to complete an introductory course in engineering design and technical communications. Different sections of the course are structured around distinct problems selected from different engineering subdisciplines. A new section was developed with a technical emphasis on radiation detection and protection. Students were challenged to develop methods of identifying different radionuclides, estimating activities, and precisely and rapidly locating radiation sources. To accomplish this, students were provided a selection of common non-spectroscopic radiation protection meters. These included Geiger Mueller, NaI(Tl), plastic scintillator, and ionization chamber devices having different geometries. The first of three tests to evaluate student design teams’ methodological designs involved a compartmentalized box in which different sources were placed in close proximity, with students asked to map out where specific sources selected from a known collection were located. The second test involved the identification and quantitation of radioactivity in a collection of antiques. Finally, students were required to quickly locate and identify sources hidden in a complex laboratory environment. Student teams succeeded by devising a variety of collimation devices, employing empirical equations combining response functions for different detections, interpreting attenuation measurements, and combinations of these approaches. A review of the field tests and student designs will be combined with a discussion of future plans for the course.