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THAM-C - International Collaboration Committee Special Session: How to Influence the Future of Radiological Protection

Centennial Ballroom 300C   08:00 - 11:30

Chair(s): George Tabatadze, Amber Harshman
THAM-C.1   08:00  Introduction and How to Influence the Future of Radiological Protection - Chris Clement

THAM-C.2   08:20  IAEA role and actions to shape the future of radiological protection OG GUZMAN LOPEZ-OCON*, IAEA ; MP PINAK, IAEA; OL GUZMAN

Abstract: IAEA GSR Part 3 is built on the RP System as described in the General Recommendations from ICRP as in its Publication 103 and other supplementary recommendations. Based on IAEA’s Member States experience, the System of Radiation Protection is robust, fit for purpose and has performed well. Furthermore, the formal endorsement of GSR Part 3 by a number of International Organisations reflects a broad and worldwide consensus, which is of paramount importance for the system and practice of protection. Many Member States are still implementing them. In this context, stability of the system is of paramount importance. Member States challenges concern the implementation or interpretation of radiation safety standards rather than the RP system itself. This experience is in support of more clarity and consistency as well as an eventual simplification to better communicate while keeping the pillars of the system intact. The stability of the safety standards and of the system they are based on is important for their credibility and public acceptance. This experience is in support of more clarity and consistency as well as an eventual simplification to better communicate while keeping the pillars of the system intact. Communication of the messages in the ICRP Recommendations to different audiences is a major challenge as they have both different understanding and usage of the terminology used in radiation protection. During the session, the IAEA’s process for implementing revisions to the System of Radiological Protection will be presented, and current IAEA’s actions to enhance involvement of the next generation of health physics scientists and professionals to shape our field for the decades to come.

THAM-C.3   08:40  How Do I get Involved in US Recommendations and Regulations DA Cool*, ICRP ; Cool

Abstract: The process of developing recommendations for radiation protection is a long and complex process, as is the process for translating those recommendations into national regulations, guides, and operational activities. Despite seeming to be an unapproachable process, many opportunities exist for participating in the international and national processes. This presentation will touch on NCRP activities, and the connections to the processes of the US Federal Agencies.

THAM-C.4   08:55  From Low Doses to High Places: Navigating the Future of Radiation Protection SA Dewji*, Georgia Institute of Technology

Abstract: The system of radiation protection has been underpinned by the foundational principles of Justification, Optimization, and Limitation. Fear of radiation, unresolved science, and associated policy decisions have brought us to the nexus of the current interpretation of the system of radiation protection. However, the radiation protection community embraces the joint goal of harnessing the uses of radiation for the safe and beneficial use for broader society. This presentation will focus on recent national and international activities in radiation protection – including recent findings for establishing a low dose radiation research program – while sharing reflections on how next-generation radiation protection specialists can revolutionize and modernize our interpretation to the practice and philosophy of radiation protection.

THAM-C.5   09:10  Contributions to the ICRP by the ORNL Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge and the Role of the Next Generation of Health Physicists in Improving Radiation Protection Dosimetry DW Jokisch*, Francis Marion University

Abstract: For many decades the Dosimetry Research Team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has developed and implemented biokinetic and dosimetric models for the evaluation of doses to tissues of the body arising from external radiation fields and intakes of radionuclides. Many of these models have either been adopted by the ICRP or supported the calculation of quantities adopted by the ICRP. The research team at ORNL is now called the Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge (CRPK). Multiple members of the CRPK continue to support ICRP advances in dosimetry and radiation protection. Recent and forthcoming contributions will be described with some speculation as to what role members may play as the ICRP develops the next system of radiological protection. Suggestions will also be offered as to what skills and tools the next generation will need in order to support dosimetric modeling, as well as some examples of open research questions in dosimetry. Finally, thoughts will be offered on challenges the next generation of radiation protection dosimetrists may face during the development and adoption of the next system of radiological protection.

THAM-C.6   09:25  Artificial intelligence and radiation protection. A game changer or an update? S Andresz*, Nuclear Protection Evaluation Centre (CEPN), France ; A Zéphyr,, France; J Bez, Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Institut, IRSN, France; M Karst, EDF, France; J Danieli, SPRA, France

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is regarded as one of the most disruptive technology of the century and with countless applications. What does it mean for radiation protection? This presentation describes the fundamentals of machine learning (ML) based methods and presents the inaugural applications in different fields of radiation protection. It is foreseen that the usage of AI will increase in radiation protection. Consequently, this presentation explores some of the benefits and also the potential barriers and questions, including ethical ones, that can come out. Ultimately, collaboration between radiation protection professionals and data scientist experts can accelerate and guide the development of the algorithms for effective scientific and technological outcomes.

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