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MPM-D - Special Session: Homeland Security Part 2

Woodrow Wilson D   14:30 - 18:00

Chair(s): William Irwin, Jeff Chapman
MPM-D.1   14:30  Radiological Communications Considerations SL Sugarman*, SummitET (Summit Exercises and Training) ; H Hardin, SummitET (Summit Exercises and Training); M Basnight, SummitET (Summit Exercises and Training)

Abstract: When communicating radiological information, it seems obvious that the technical subject matter is something that must be addressed. However, remember that the information being provided needs to meet the needs of the audience. Audiences typically need to be made aware that something has happened as well as be informed about how this may affect them and what they can do about it. How the information is presented is oftentimes just as important as the material being presented, so it should all be done with empathy and reassurance. There are many factors that must be taken into account. Complicating the consternation resulting from the radiological event itself, these influences may include but are not limited to the educational background of the receiving audience, its socio-economic makeup, ethnicity and customs, the primary language spoken, and other factors. Aside from the need for it to be presented in an understandable manner, it should also be properly managed. Information management should be of a cyclical nature in that information is continuously being received, and the associated messages are being developed and delivered in a structured process to those who need it. Not everybody has the same needs, so identifying stakeholders and “triaging” the information in order to get the proper messages out first is necessary. Clear messaging and communication are essential to ensuring the safety of those that may be affected by a radiological event, and there is more to it than simply providing facts and technical explanations.

MPM-D.2   14:50  Why Emergency Biodosimetry Shouldn’t Tell Us Dose GG Adams*, Gryphon Scientific

Abstract: In the immediate aftermath of a nuclear detonation, emergency biodosimetry is powerful tool for triage. These methods use blood samples or other measurements to rapidly predict the radiation dose experienced by an individual. This dosimetry is especially critical in scare resource environments, where the healthcare resources available are completely overwhelmed by the number and severity of traumatic and radiation injuries. In these cases, dosimetry can be used to maximize lifesaving by prioritizing patients who will see their chance of survival increase the most with treatment. For example, under crisis triage schemes, patients with less than 2 Gy whole-body acute exposure are typically not treated as they are likely to survive without treatment. Similarly, patients with 10+ Gy are not treated as they are unlikely to survive even with treatment. While this approach is scientifically supported and rooted in a long history of health physics dosimetry, it is a suboptimal approach to emergency dosimetry. Biodosimetry is used to predict dose based on biological response to radiation exposure. This dose prediction is then used to estimate health outcomes both with or without treatment. Using dose as a middleman, however, introduces enormous uncertainty. This oral presentation will discuss the issues with using dose to predict health outcomes and describe how biodosimetric methods can be used to directly - and more accurately - predict health outcomes.

MPM-D.3   15:10  NCRP Statement 15- Respiratory Protection Recommendations for Workers and Volunteers Responding to a Nuclear Incident Outside the Affected Area A Salame-Alfie*, NCRP ; AA Ansari, NCRP; Ad Salame-Alfie

Abstract: After a large-scale nuclear incident, a large population may be displaced, and many may be contaminated with radioactive materials. Outside the radioactive fallout zone, staff and volunteers at public shelters, community reception centers (CRCs), or other locations will be providing contamination screening, decontamination, housing, referral, or other types of services. People arriving at these locations may be contaminated with unknown quantities of radioactive material through direct deposition of fallout or resuspension while traveling to these locations. Scientific Committee 3-3 of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) developed Statement 15 with a tiered approach for respiratory protection of workers and volunteers who may be at risk of an inhalation or incidental ingestion hazard generated by arrival and movement of potentially contaminated people. The tiered approach is similar in concept to the Crisis Standards of Care established by the National Academy of Medicine for provision of medical care in response to catastrophic disasters such as that caused by natural disasters, terrorist incidents, or pandemics. This approach is practical to implement and incorporates the variability in circumstances and available resources that may be encountered in the early phase of a response by various organizations. First responders (law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical services) and first receivers (staff at hospitals) for whom adequate guidance exists are excluded from the Statement.  

MPM-D.4   15:30  break

MPM-D.5   15:50  RadResponder Network – A Quick Walkthrough With The Newest Updates G Chen*, U.S. EPA

Abstract: In the past, there were tools that federal agencies used to input and share radiological data. However, the tools were not easy to use, and the output data were not easily shareable across the agencies. Most importantly, they were not available to all of the radiation emergency organizations at all levels (state, tribal and local). It is essential that, during a radiological emergency event, there is a common tool that is easy to use and accessible to all organizations nationwide to share radiological data. Together, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), created the RadResponder Network. The programing development of RadResponder Network began in 2012, and it is aiming to become the national standard and Whole Community solution for the management of radiological data. Since 2012, the RadResponder Network have grown from 300 registered organizations and 1000 registered users to over 2100 organizations and almost 13000 users today. RadResponder is an ongoing project, and it constantly improves itself by adding new functions and enhancement from the communities' input and suggestions. The purpose of this presentation is to inform the communities about the technical enhancement and new functions that have been added to the RadResponder Network since the 2022 Annual HPS meeting.

MPM-D.6   16:10  MINOR ACTINIDE AND LANTHANIDE CHROMATOGRAPHIC SEPARATIONS USING SYNERGISTIC EXTRACTIONS AP Boey*, University of Massachusetts, Lowell/Air Force Institute of Technology ; ER Bertelsen, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Abstract: Radiochemical audits of nuclear power plant waste are a crucial tool for nuclear forensic experts to deter clandestine or terroristic activities. Certain radionuclides, such as minor actinides or lanthanides, are trace fission products in high-level waste. The isolation of small amounts of chemically similar actinides and lanthanides from spent nuclear fuel remains a challenge in this field. Extraction chromatography (also known as solid-phase extraction) has the potential to perform highly efficient f-element separations for various small-scale radio-analyses, while minimizing generated organic liquid waste and undesirable phase phenomena. Exploring potential synergism, or the greater than expected uptake of an analyte, between reagents in a mixed-extractant resin may further emphasize this technique’s speed and efficiency in radioisotope purification. Two types of extractant compounds, N,N,N’,N’‐tetrakis‐(2‐ethyl‐1‐hexyl)‐3‐oxapentane‐1,5‐diamide (TEHDGA) and 2‐ethylhexyl 2‐ethylhexylphosphonic acid (HEH[EHP]), were physiosorbed on a solid resin at various molar ratios and contacted within aqueous nitric acid solutions containing a Eu-152 radiotracer in carrier Eu. Results from the partitioning of Eu using the mixed-extractant resin, as a function of nitric acid concentration, were examined for indications of synergism.

MPM-D.7   16:30  Health Physics Aspects of the 2022 Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation BR Buddemeier*, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ; MB Dillon, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Abstract: The 2022 Edition of FEMA’s Planning guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation adds new information to help emergency response planners better prepare. Chapter 1 of the 3rd edition provides more details on higher yields, fallout considerations for the height of burst, how to balance fire and fallout protection strategies, and a discussion long-range fallout consideration. The document defines key blast and fallout zones that provide the foundation for a zone-based response strategies in chapter 2 that provide detailed priorities for the public and responders. The document also addresses shelter and evacuation strategies, acute medical care, population monitoring, public communication recommendations, and a new chapter and alerts, warning, and notification systems are also included. Extensive technical assessments were performed by various government agencies and national laboratories to support the development of this document (can be found on This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

MPM-D.8   17:00  HS & ER Section Board

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