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PEP-T5 - Pixelated, 3D CZT Detection Systems New Developments for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA Safeguard Inspectors & Medical Imaging

Baltimore 3   12:15 - 02:15

PEP-T5.   Pixelated, 3D CZT Detection Systems New Developments for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA Safeguard Inspectors & Medical Imaging DW Miller*, NPRE Un of Illinois

Abstract: The health physics presentation discusses the latest applications of pixelated, 3D CZT new technology at nuclear plants mapping, medical 3D imaging, homeland security surveillance, and decommissioning site isotopic characterization. The CZT detection system provides GPS location and digital camera color-coding of individual isotopic identification. The CZT system was developed by the University of Michigan over 22 years of extensive research. Seventy CZT monitors have been employed at nuclear plants globally. The North American Technical Center’s ALARA network program has provided information on new applications and lessons learned with the new technology. The CZT system has been successfully used to verify the adequacy of temporary shielding installed for refueling outages, contamination control, PWR CRUD burst isotopic mapping, and radwaste shipment surveys. The system allows room-temperature applications for process lines to accurately measure isotopic characterization without the delay of sample line collection and chemistry laboratory analysis. The use of the new spectra CZT system at Palisades is discussed including the new discovery of significant Ag-110m coolant line contamination. The IAEA has selected the pixelated, 3D CZT system for the IAEA safeguard inspectors based on comparisons of available similar isotopic characterization instrumentation. Position-sensitive, 3-dimensional CZT semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometers and imagers have been designed and are now in medical research laboratories for applications for PET and radionuclide patient isotopic imaging including 100 CZT detectors.

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