TPM-D - Internal Dosimetry Woodrow Wilson D 14:30 - 18:00
Chair(s): John Klumpp
14:30 Side Effects and Complications Associated with Treating Plutonium Intakes JA Klumpp*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
; LM Glover, Texas Tech University Medical School; L Bertelli, Los Alamos National Laboratory; S Dumit, Los Alamos National Laboratory; D Poudel, Los Alamos National Laboratory; LM Smith, Los Alamos National Laboratory; T Waters, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: For this study, a thorough review was conducted of the medical and bioassay records of current and previous Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) employees who had experienced plutonium intakes via wound or inhalation. After finding relatively incomplete information in the medical records, the research team interviewed current LANL employees who had undergone chelation therapy and/or surgical excision.
Although the dataset was not large enough to reach statistically significant conclusions, it was observed that adverse events associated with treatment appear to be more frequent and more severe than previously reported. In particular, DTPA appeared to be associated with a range of serious adverse events which are not generally associated with the drug. The data suggest that DTPA may also be associated with significant adverse psychological events. A number of adverse events were also associated with surgical excision, such as pain, numbness, and loss of function. These are particularly significant given that the majority of contaminated wounds occur on the hands. Finally, there were instances in which patients were harmed by ad hoc attempts to decontaminate wounds with powerful solvents not approved for use on humans.
Lack of follow-up made it impossible to identify any possible long-term effects from the medical records of chelation and excision. However, interviews conducted for this work and elsewhere suggest that at least some adverse events, particularly related to surgical excision on the hands, can continue to have a significant adverse impact on a patient’s quality of life for many years.
Psychological harm may be the most common and severe adverse effect caused by plutonium intakes. Nonetheless, treatment is rarely offered to explicitly address it. Furthermore, the interviews suggest that the treatments that are offered, which are focused specifically on removing plutonium from the body, can sometimes exacerbate the psychological harm. This is particularly the case when patients are not provided with basic information about the health implications of plutonium intakes, and when they are not included in their own treatment decisions. This highlights a serious omission in the way plutonium intakes are routinely treated.
These findings suggest a need for healthcare providers to take a different approach to treating plutonium intakes. In the future, the potential for adverse events to result in serious and persistent harm must be more carefully weighed against the potential benefit. The autonomy of patients must be respected by providing, and offering enough time to comprehend, the information about the potential risks and benefits of treatment needed to take part in their own treatment decision. Finally, patients must be offered mental health treatment to address the psychological harm caused by the incident.
14:45 Chelation Modeling of a Plutonium-238 Inhalation Incident Treated with Delayed DTPA S Dumit*, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
; G Miller, Retired; O Grémy, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA); D Poudel, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); L Bertelli, Retired; JA Klumpp, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Abstract: This work shows the chelation modeling of a plutonium-238 inhalation incident that occurred in France. The details of the case and the data collection have already been described in two publications. The individual was treated with the chelating agent DTPA, via multiple intravenous injections and then nebulizations, beginning several months after the intake and continuing for four years, challenging the view that chelation should begin immediately after the intake. The intake date and solubility of the material were unknown. Interviews with the worker suggested that the intake occurred via inhalation of a high-solubility plutonium compound. The worker provided daily urine and fecal bioassay samples throughout the chelation treatment protocol. The bioassay data include data collected before, during, and after the administration of DTPA. The dataset was analyzed in IDode software using a recently developed chelation model. Unlike the previous two publications presenting this case, the current analysis explicitly models the combined biokinetics of the plutonium and DTPA. As the bioassay data were modified (to ensure data anonymization, as requested by the worker), the calculation of the “true” committed effective dose was not possible. However, the treatment-induced dose inhibition (in percentage) was calculated. In this work we discuss intracellular chelation, the use of fecal bioassay data, and the usefulness of IDode software to perform complex calculations, data analysis, and biokinetic modeling. This present work supports the hypothesis of the previous two papers regarding the occurrence of intracellular chelation and shows the efficacy of long-term delayed DTPA treatment for mobilizing plutonium established in tissues.
15:00 Discussion on internal dose intercomparison exercise design and results in a CANDU reactor environment DL Hunton*, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Abstract: This presentation discusses the design methodology and results of routine intercomparisons for the estimation of internal committed effective dose among members of the CANDU Owners Group (COG) which have been performed by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. In general, the assessment of committed effective dose is rarely straight-forward; there are a number of technical assumptions that health physics professionals must make (e.g. particle size distribution, mode of intake, chemical form, appropriate metabolic model) before any approximation of the committed effective dose is possible. As expected through their professional judgment, different health physics professionals may interpret the available bioassay data very differently in attempting to establish an estimate of the committed effective dose. The aim of this work was to compare the results of internal dose assessments and the effects of various methods/assumptions used by health physics specialists, as well as to design intercomparison exercises which explored the unique requirements and challenges of the CANDU reactor environment. Scenarios included a wide variety of nuclides (including an entire exercise dedicated only to tritium dose estimation), magnitudes of committed effective dose, intake modes, bioassay methods (both in-vivo and in-vitro), and challenges with data intended to mirror a more realistic intake scenario. These intercomparison exercises for internal dosimetry will be continued into the future, with the goal of achieving reasonable consistency between agencies and useful discussion for future development and investigation. This presentation includes a summary of the exercise design methodology, discussion and analysis of the results obtained so far, lessons learned, as well as objectives for future investigation.
15:15 Improving our Communication Skills as Occupational Internal Dosimetrists S Dumit*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
; T Matta, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; D Poudel, Los Alamos National Laboratory; JA Klumpp, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: Communicating intakes of radionuclides and internal doses to radiation workers is part of our routine job duties as occupational internal dosimetrists (OIDs). Such communications can often be straightforward, for instance, informing a worker that an intake did not occur or that their internal radiation dose is zero. However, depending on the circumstances of the incident, OIDs may have to communicate complex internal dosimetry concepts, sometimes when stress levels are high. Hence, OIDs are encouraged to be prepared by improving their communication skills. In this study, we discuss suggested methods from communication experts, such as Alda (author of “If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face”), Patterson et al. (authors of “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High”), and other relevant authors. It is important to note that the guidance given in these books is general, not specifically related to the Radiation Protection field. However, the present work specifically lists recommendations that are pertinent to and can be applied by OIDs during an intake investigation, including during the internal radiation dose assessment. It is our hope that the concepts from the science and art of relating and communicating will be useful in helping OIDs, including us, to become more effective communicators. In this work we will focus on providing examples applicable to OIDs communicating not only with radiation workers but also interested parties, such as managers, regulators, family members of workers involved with radionuclide intakes, and medical staff involved with the treatment of radionuclides intakes.
15:30 Long-term retention of plutonium in the respiratory tract compartments: chemical binding, scar-tissue retention, or systemic uptake? D Poudel*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
; JA Klumpp, Los Alamos National Laboratory; M Avtandilashvili, Washington State University; SY Tolmachev, Washington State University
Abstract: The Human Respiratory Tract Model provides some mechanisms to account for retention of inhaled plutonium that can be subject to little to no mechanical transport or absorption into the blood. One of these mechanisms is ‘binding’, which refers to a process by which a fraction (the ‘bound fraction’) of the dissolved material chemically binds to the tissue of the airway wall. Our earlier analyses showed that such chemical binding alone is 1) unable to explain post-mortem data on regional retention of Pu in the respiratory tract, and 2) inconsistent with some observations in the literature. A literature review points to the presence of – and a significant retention of – plutonium in the scar tissues of the respiratory tract. Accordingly, an alternate model with scar-tissue compartments was proposed which was able to explain the data. However, it is possible that other mechanisms may also be responsible for plutonium retention in the respiratory tract. One such mechanism may be systemic uptake. This presentation discusses post-mortem regional retention in the respiratory tract of an individual with a wound intake to draw inferences on how much plutonium, if any, the lungs uptake from the blood.
15:45 Relevance and Uncertainties of Internal Dosimetry When Studying the Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure in Offspring and Next Generations Ä Degenhardt*, German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
; S Dumit, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); A Giussani, German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
Abstract: The effects of ionizing radiation exposure in offspring of exposed individuals have kept the attention of scientists. The ICRP established the Task Group 121 aiming to update the review of the scientific literature related to radiation-induced effects for the offspring of individuals exposed to ionising radiation. This paper presents the relevance, particularities, and uncertainties of the pre- and post-conception internal exposure to radionuclides relevant for the work of ICRP Task Group 121. The results and conclusions of epidemiological studies are important sources of information to delineate the dose-response of the radiation and their resultant effects in the human body. However, it can be difficult to interpret some epidemiological studies when the dosimetry applied is not properly described or accounted for. In our analysis of the effects of radiation exposures in pre- and post-conceptional phases we found out that there is often a lack of information on following aspects: the exposure scenario; time of the exposure; pre-conceptional incorporations of radionuclides; the activity transferred to the embryo and fetus (placental transfer), which remains in the organism of the offspring after the delivery; contribution of the activity present in the mother’s body on the dose to embryo and fetus irradiated. Additionally, different dosimetric protocols may be applied depending on the radiation sources, radiation types and exposed pathways; dose and dose rates and modeling approach. The presence of subjective judgment is another source of uncertainty, especially since dose reconstruction is usually performed decades after the exposure. Application of reliable and accurate internal dosimetry techniques, detailed reporting and a thorough accounting of the internal dosimetry uncertainties are necessary prerequisites to correctly evaluate the outcomes of epidemiological studies.
16:00 Improving Uncertainty Estimates of Plutonium Activity Concentration in Human Skeleton from Individual Bone Sample Analyses JY Zhou*, U.S. Department of Energy
; M Avtandilashvili, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University; M Sefl, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University; G Tabatadze, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University; SY Tolmachev, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University
Abstract: At the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries (USTUR), 87% of deceased Registrants are partial-body tissue donors with two to six bones commonly collected at autopsy. The most collected bone samples are rib, sternum, vertebral body, patella, clavicle, and femur middle shaft. The most frequent 2-bone combinations are rib/sternum (157) and rib/vertebral body (155). These bone samples are relatively easier to collect postmortem and, therefore, they are non-random convenience samples not representative of the entire skeleton. To estimate plutonium activity concentration in the skeleton (Cskel) from measured concentrations in individual bone samples (Cbone), the USTUR has developed a latent bone modelling (LBM) approach based on principal component regression (PCR) using Cskel values for 13 non-osteoporotic whole-body tissue donors, as well as Cbone data for 90 samples from each donor. LBM was implemented by using Python into a simple graphical user interface, EasySkelLBM, which calculates Cskel and associated uncertainty from two or more bone sample measurements. Although LBM has been shown to provide a better estimate of Cskel compared to the average of Cbone values, the associated uncertainty is based on convenience sample only and does not represent the true uncertainty in the Cskel estimate. This study developed a method to improve uncertainty estimates of Cskel based on all possible Cbone combinations of representative bones. To select representative bones, a loading plot of principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify clusters or highly correlated bones, and 13 bones were selected from the original 90 bones. The PCR was then applied to 13 cases and 13 selected bones. For a given number of bones, PCR models were fit for all possible bone combinations. There are 78, 286, 715, 1,287, and 1,716 combinations for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bones, respectively. The standard deviation of the residuals (SDres) of all combinations for each of the 13 cases was used to determine the uncertainties associated with the estimated Cskel. Linear regression was used to derive a relationship between SDres and Cskel for a given number of bone samples. The results showed that the most collected bone samples were clustered on the PCA loading plot, and, therefore, underestimated uncertainties. In general, the higher uncertainties were associated with a lower Cskel and a smaller number of analyzed bones. The coefficient of variation (SDres/Cskel) was stable at Cskel ≥ 10 Bq kg-1.
16:15 Plutonium in Rocky Flats Workers: Using Post-mortem Tissue Analyses to Evaluate Organ Content and Dose Estimates Based on Monitoring Data M Sefl*, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University
; M Avtandilashvili, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University; JY Zhou, U.S. Department of Energy; SY Tolmachev, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University
Abstract: Radiation epidemiology typically relies on dose predictions based on bioassay monitoring data, most commonly, in-vitro urinary excretion measurements and, in some cases, in-vivo examinations of the whole body or organ activities. At the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries (USTUR), bioassay data and post-mortem tissue radiochemical analyses are used for actinide biokinetic modeling and estimation of radiation doses. To evaluate uncertainties in radiation dose estimates from internally deposited 239Pu, a group of 25 former nuclear workers from Rocky Flats Plant was selected from the USTUR health physics database. The sSelected workers had at least 5 positive urine samples (more than the contemporary minimum detectable activity) and did not undergo an extensive chelation treatment. A preliminary analysis was performed on nine individuals from the group exposed to ‘high-fired’ PuO2 aerosols in the same incident. For six workers, this was the only intake, for three others, an additional wound intake was considered. The measured 239Pu activities were between 9.4 and 123 Bq in the liver, between 9.2 and 215 Bq in the skeleton, and between 92.9 and 7,540 Bq in the lungs. Post-mortem activities in the lungs and liver+skeleton were compared to the predictions based on bioassay measurements (urine, chest counts). For the liver+skeleton, the predicted activity was on average 40.7% higher than the measured activity; for the respiratory tract, the predicted activity was on average 16.2% lower than the post-mortem measurements. Committed effective doses (E50) calculated using only bioassay data were compared to the doses calculated using bioassay together with post-mortem tissue analysis results (liver+skeleton and lungs). The results show that using post-mortem tissue analysis results increased the estimated E50 on average only by 4.2%.
16:30 Improving deposition fraction factors in realistic human respiratory tract geometries using nuclear security source inhalation aerosols IR Bartol*, Georgia Institute of Technology
; ME Tano Retamales, Idaho National Laboratory; SA Dewji, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ig Bartol
Abstract: This work presents a comprehensive approach for simulating the internal dosimetry of inhaled radioactive particles in the human respiratory tract (HRT). Traditionally, internal dosimetry models assumed uniform particle deposition profiles (PDPs) from the inhalation of aerosolized particles across the airways, without accounting for population-specific differences in anatomy. This can lead to inaccurate estimations of internal dose coefficients.
To address this issue, we use computational fluid and particle dynamics (CFPD) to model PDPs in realistic 3D HRT models derived from a variety of de-identified CT scans. By considering a range of anatomy, we can account for variations and provide more representative PDPs. In addition, our approach captures the size and location distributions of deposited particles across the respiratory cycle, which is essential for understanding the clearance of inhaled particles from the lungs and the potential for fibrotic endpoints.
One advantage of this innovative approach is that allows us to consider the source form (solubility, morphology) of particles, resulting in higher fidelity in the deposition fractions compared to routinely used compartment-based biokinetic models. In this work, we used a realistic source term for the particle distribution in our CFPD simulations. This allowed us to more accurately represent the dynamics of particle inhalation and improve the fidelity of our simulations.
Prior CFPD simulations of particulate flow in the airways have considered only a single subject, a steady-state flow, or either the lower or upper airway. In contrast, our approach expands by modeling a full respiratory cycle across a diverse database of subjects and considering statistical variations in HRT geometry.
Overall, this work represents a significant advancement in the field of internal dosimetry and will improve our ability to estimate internal dose coefficients and predict the potential health impacts of inhaled radioactive particles.
16:45 Uncertain Components of the Human Respiratory Tract for Stochastic Biokinetic Modeling D Margot*, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Programs, Georgia Institute of Technology
; EM Mate-Kole, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Programs, Georgia Institute of Technology; AE Kalinowski, Sandia National Laboratories; LD Cochran, Sandia National Laboratories; C Jelsema, Sandia National Laboratories; SA Dewji, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Programs, Georgia Institute of Technology
Abstract: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 66 defines the human respiratory tract model (HRTM) for the inhalation dosimetry. The model incorporates particle deposition, particle clearance, and dosimetric values. A joint National Nuclear Security Administration-supported effort between Georgia Tech and Sandia National Laboratories is developing the methodology and framework to quantify the uncertainty in inhalation dose coefficients derived from the ICRP 66-based HRTM that are used in Turbo FRMAC for consequence management dose projections. This uncertainty information is needed to enable full uncertainty analyses for derived response level calculations in Turbo FRMAC. With the statistical software package DAKOTA, sets of sampled parameters are fed to REDCAL, a Python-based program for calculating the ICRP 66 HRTM. The parameters sampled define both the initial conditions and differential equations of the biokinetic models. Post-processing of the inhalation dose coefficients classifies the uncertainty and sensitivity of the input parameters. The impactful parameters, such as deposition efficiencies for bronchiole region, bronchiolar region, and extra-thoracic region, establish the destination options for particles. The options for these deposition regions are the blood, lymph nodes, and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, differences in deposition fractions within these regions alters the composition of high activity organs. As consequence management concerns itself with multiple scenarios, a variety of radionuclides will be discussed along with how aspects of the radionuclide’s specific model and solubility class modifies the key parameters. The inhalation dose coefficient uncertainty quantification analysis from this work will be useful for dosimetric investigations by the broader radiological dose assessment community for the purposes of understanding the uncertainty associated with dose projections for nuclear/radiological emergencies.
17:00 Python-Based Solutions of Biokinetic Models of the Human Respiratory Tract System: A Technique for an Augmented Uncertainty Propagation EM Mate-Kole*, Georgia Institute of Technology
; D Margot, Georgia Institute of Technology; SA Dewji, Georgia Institute of Technology
Abstract: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has published reference dose coefficients depending on the intake mode, among which is the Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM) for the inhalation pathway. However, as reference values, structural/anatomical and physiological changes result in uncertainties for individualized monitoring. The overall aim of this work was to conduct stochastic analysis for the updated ICRP HRTM (ICRP 130) from inhaled source term intakes as a function of radionuclide inventory and particle size distribution, solubility, and clearance for expanded inhalation coefficients, specific to the exposure source terms from nuclear security events and exposed populations (age/sex-specific). Updated biokinetic models were reconstructed for use with realistic source terms in Python (a modern programming language) for eventual dynamic processing. Several ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers – both numerical and algebraic in Python – were compared in solving complex multi-compartment solutions of biokinetic models for the development of a robust dose coefficient module named REDCAL.
Results obtained for retention from inhaled radionuclides with REDCAL were benchmarked with high convergence with historical dose coefficient codes. For defense and consequence management application purposes, a variety of radionuclides such as but not limited to 60Co, 131I, 90Sr, and 90Sr with progeny, will be discussed. The utility of REDCAL is its novel and expanded ability to pair with state-of-the-art stochastic samplers, for which 40 uncertain parameters were compiled.
17:15 Computational Techniques for Dose Optimization for interstitial Brachytherapy Seed Implantation RL Williams*, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Abstract: Brachytherapy is one of the the first radiation therapy methods used to directly treat cancer internally. Over time brachytherapy techniques have reduced in popularity with surgeons due to complications resulting from seed migration. The purpose of this research is to test the theory of super positioning on interstitial brachytherapy treatment for prostate cancer by exploring a cumulative approach to seed anisotropy and placement. This study employs Monte Carlo simulation techniques to simulate interstitial brachytherapy seeds with the purpose of calculating doses for uniform, random, and clumped seed motifs for standard 28keV iodine 125 (I-125) and 21keV palladium-103 (Pd-103) permanent seeds. A brachytherapy specific EGSnrc application called egs_brachy which claims to be a faster more efficient approach to brachytherapy modeling. EGSnrc is a tool that performs Monte-Carlo simulations to model the propagation of photons within homogeneous materials. Egs_brachy employs egs++ library from host repository EGSnrc to model brachy seed placement and simulate the critical regions of urethral and rectal organs. Investigating the dose associated with each radionuclide seed distribution and design could prove to be beneficial in elucidating factors that cause a dose reduction. The goal is to compare the effects of absorbed dose on radioactive seed disbursement for low-dose brachytherapy radionuclides, and to elucidate seed loading philosophies for optimal treatment.
17:30 Mapping ²²⁶Ra Micro-Distribution in Radium Dial Painter Skeleton G Tabatadze*, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University
; SY Tolmachev, U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries, Washington State University
Abstract: The United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries (USTUR) studies actinide biokinetics and tissue dosimetry by following up occupationally exposed individuals. Estimation of the micro-scale distribution of radionuclides in tissues is an important task to support dose assessment. Previously, an ionizing radiation quantum imaging detector (iQID) system was used to study micro-distribution of 239 Pu and 241 Am. In this study, 226 Ra micro-distribution was mapped in bones of a radium dial painter (RDP) who worked for 6 years, had estimated 226 Ra uptake of 58.9 MBq, and died at age 24. These samples were
obtained from the National Human Radiobiology Tissue Repository (NHRTR), which is a part of the Registries. The NHRTR holds collection of tissue materials obtained from various radium worker studies, including histological bone slides and tissue blocks from RDPs. Two plastic embedded bone sections selected from left femur middle shaft and left side of thoracic vertebra were imaged with iQID. Regions
of interest (ROI) for cortical bone (CB) and trabecular bone (TB) were segmented in each bone section and surface activity was quantified within each ROI. The surface activity (A s ) ranges from 1.3 to 56.9 mBq/mm 2 (average surface activity = 17.2 mBq/mm 2 ) in CB and from 0.6 to 27.5 mBq/mm 2 ( = 14.5 mBq/mm 2 ) in TB. This study showed that iQID imaging approach is an effective method for micro-scale heterogeneous distribution studies.
17:45 Predict the bioavailability of actinides following incidental contamination to improve the handling of the contaminated victim A Van der Meeren*, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
; A Moureau, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission; M Defrance, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission; F Huet, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission; NM Griffiths, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Abstract: In addition to routine surveillance, filter swipe tests are used for analyses of accidental contamination and for nuclear legacy material originating from industrial and weapon production facilities. Changes in physicochemical properties of aged nuclear materials can affect bioavailability to accidental contamination particularly during decommissioning. The principal objective of the present work was to develop and validate a new approach to predict the bioavailability of actinides recovered by filter swipe tests from nuclear glove boxes, and thus to provide information for facilitating interpretation of radiotoxicology data and improve dose calculation. This approach is based on the use of an in vitro acellular test recently developed in our laboratory to predict actinide behavior following intake. This assay mimics the transfer of bioavailable actinide species from a retention compartment (agarose gel) to a dynamic fluid phase (transfer compartment). In the present work, we describe the adaptation of this model to include in the static phase contaminants of unknown properties collected by swiping at the work place. The validation of our experimental approach was done by uptake of known different actinide forms onto filters “swipe test” followed by solvent dissolution of the filter, and determination of radionuclide transfer from the static gel phase to the dynamic fluid phase. For the proof of concept of the method, swipes were carried out in a glove box previously used for the generation of aerosols from actinide oxide suspensions. Data from the filter extract indicated a low transfer of activity over 48h indicative of the presence of mainly insoluble actinide forms in accordance with the use of the glove box. In conclusion, this simple, rapid test for actinide bioavailability could be applied to filter swipe tests obtained from accidental scenarios, contaminated areas, decommissioning operations and nuclear weapon legacy material.
This work has been funded within the frame of the CEA-Orano-PCA agreement