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WAM-C - Military Health Physics Part 1

Baltimore 3   09:30 - 12:15

Chair(s): Jama VanHorne-Sealy and Dan Sowers
WAM-C.1   09:30  Creating a Transportable/Mobile Nuclear Reactor Regulatory Program J VanHorne-Sealy*, US Army

Abstract: In 2016, the Defense Science Board recommended the Secretary of Defense designate the Army as the Executive Agent for all [DoD] nuclear energy very Small Modular Reactor (vSMR) applications. In 2018, the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)) directed the Strategic Capabilities Office “to begin planning, programming, and budgeting for development with industry of an operational demonstration of a prototype small modular nuclear reactor transportable to remote operating locations” within five years. No Federal or DoD specific regulations for transportable/mobile power reactors currently exist. The U.S. Army is undergoing the process of updating regulations to ensure safe, secure, environmentally compliant, and reliable transportable/mobile vSMRs operations. This presentation will cover challenges associated with updating existing regulations to meet the new need, incorporating expertise from nuclear power, safety, health physics, environmental science, and land combat operations. The presentation will highlight the scope of expertise required to address this unique challenge in creating the regulatory structure for vSMR applications.

WAM-C.2   09:45  Modeling Radiation Exposure on Flight Missions to Analyze Aircrew Risk CV Quintero Hilsaca*, Air Force Institute of Technology ; JW McClory, Air Force Institute of Technology; WT Dailey, Air Force Institute of Technology; JJ Manfredi, Air Force Institute of Technology; WJ Erwin, U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine

Abstract: Galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events comprise the majority of the ionizing radiation experienced in the upper atmosphere within flight-altitude environments. Although previous studies have analyzed radiation doses from single sources on civilian flight operations, there is a lack of research focused on dose received by military personnel during flight from both sources simultaneously. In-flight radiation environments are modeled through the MCNP6 for two separate aircraft, an Air Force A-10 and a Boeing 737. Particle fluence values for galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events for four separate flight paths are determined using the CARI-7A software and the SIRE2 toolkit, respectively. MCNP6 code and flux-to-dose conversion factors from the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 60 were used to determine the effective dose received by aircrew. The effective dose for each flight was compared to the effective dose provided by the CARI-7A software and the SIRE2 toolkit. Overall, the results for galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events doses through the simulated environment matched the CARI-7A software results better than the SIRE2 toolkit results. The SIRE2 toolkit predicted no particle fluence for the two flight tracks through the equator and an effective dose of 23,760 μSv for a flight path near the Arctic circle during a solar maximum. Additionally, for the Boeing 737 the effective dose for a passenger in the middle of the plane was approximately half of the effective dose for the pilot at the front of the aircraft. Finally, a A-10 pilot received approximately 10 times the dose of a Boeing 737 pilot.

WAM-C.3   10:00  The United States Navy and Employees with Cancer: The Time for Change is Now DA Sowers*, US Navy, Retired

Abstract: The U.S. Navy, including the U.S. Marine Corps and Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP), has a robust radiological protection and monitoring program meeting (and typically exceeding, in the name of conservatism) federal law requirements, covering the variety of ways in which the Navy produces and uses ionizing radiation and radioactive sources: in medicine, nuclear ship propulsion and repair, industrial and aircraft radiography, and myriad other unique uses in carrying out its vital mission. In executing these programs, thousands of people across the world are employed as active-duty Sailors and Marines, government civilians, and government contractors. These workers include physicians, reactor operators, radiation safety officers, and nuclear repair workers, to name but a few. The health protection standards for these workers are promulgated in the publicly-available Navy Medicine P-5055 Radiation Health Protection Manual (NAVMED P-5055), published February 2011 with Change 2 published December 2022, and are applicable to Navy, Marine Corps and NNPP radiation protection programs. Without scientific or medical basis, the NAVMED P-5055 requires disqualifying those employees who have a history of cancer, cancer therapy, radiation therapy including radiopharmaceuticals received for therapeutic purposes, or bone marrow suppression from drawing dosimetry, entering radiation areas, or handling radioactive material. This policy, which exists regardless of lifetime occupational radiation dose or projected future radiation dose, applies to all cancers except adequately treated basal cell carcinoma. The policy is not supported by relevant scientific and medical literature, does not align with reasonable professional ethical standards, does not conform to U.S. Navy radiological training which stipulates the assumed increased risk of developing cancer from Navy, Marine Corps and NNPP occupational radiation exposure is small, and removes critical leadership and mentoring capability from the workforce unnecessarily. This talk will discuss: 1) this policy and its ramifications to the Navy, Marine Corps and NNPP workforce; and, 2) recommendations, benefits, and impacts for the Navy, Marine Corps and NNPP to remove this policy and still maintain a robust radiation protection program.

WAM-C.4   10:15  MTF Laser Safety: An Overview JC Caudill*, U.S. Navy (NUMI)

Abstract: A medical/health physicist ensures the success of a radiation safety program at military treatment facilities (MTF) in Joint Commission accreditation under the cognizance of the Defense Health Agency. Lasers produce high levels of non-ionizing radiation that are harmful if not controlled properly. The physics of this modality are reviewed to facilitate adequate level of knowledge with regards to equipment operation and energy production. Personnel protective equipment requirements and proper wear are reviewed to ensure staff and patient safety are maximized. Program management and administration best practices are demonstrated in tandem with requisite program audits for MTF directives and ANSI Z136.3 compliance purposes. Methods of risk analysis are reviewed in the event of deviations from ANSI Z136.3 standards occur or are required. Finally, relevant mishaps are reviewed to demonstrate undesirable outcomes from failure to follow required directives. As an added benefit, relevant qualifications are discussed that can assist a military Officer in his/her career progression. At the conclusion of this discussion, students will learn the aspects of a successful Laser Safety Program to take back to their MTF for implementation.

WAM-C.5   10:30  Update on the U.S. Army Radiation Safety Program HT Mikulski*, U.S. Army

Abstract: Provided will be an update on the U.S. Army Radiation Safety Program. Discussed will be the pending publication of Army Regulation (AR) 385-10, the Army Safety and Occupational Health Program, and the Radiation Safety Inspection Program to meet the Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG) recommendations. Included will be the work on two Assistant Secretary of the Army Installation Energy and Environment (ASA(IE&E)) memorandums on class 7 training on the shipment of radioactive materials and Army health physicists participation in the Health Physics Society (HPS). Also discussed will be support to the Army Mobile Reactor Advisory Council (AMRAC) and decommissioning efforts, and finally the growth of the nonionizing radiation safety program.

WAM-C.7   11:00  Health Effects from Nuclear and Radiological Environments (HENRE) Capabilities and Ongoing Development JT Dant*, Applied Research Associates

Abstract: Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Health Effects from Nuclear and Radiological Environments (HENRE) engine predicts civilian and military casualties resulting from a nuclear detonation (NUDET). A key feature of HENRE is that three primary NUDET insult environments are included because predictions based on fallout alone will underestimate causalities. From historical evidence, the majority of casualties are from combined insult environments, especially radiation exposure with concomitant thermal injury. Other combined insults could result in radiation exposure with puncture wounds, overpressure injuries, hemorrhage, fracture, and infections. Consequently, HENRE’s research and development priorities are centered on providing outcomes of interest for injuries resulting from multiple insults. The focus has advanced over time beginning with population-based survivability, then estimating medical care and treatment requirements, and, more recently, combat capabilities. By engaging in these development activities, HENRE is supporting DTRA’s mission by 1) capturing a range of nuclear weapon environments anticipated on the nuclear battlefield and in urban settings; 2) employing mechanistic and physiological casualty models to predict military and civilian patient outcomes, and 3) further Combatant Commander targeting, consequence assessment, medical planning, and combat effectiveness applications.

WAM-C.8   11:15  Developmental Exercises That Translate To Skills Necessary For A 72A To Perform Its Wartime Mission MB Stokley*, US Army ; DD Manzanares, US Army

Abstract: Developmental field exercises are a key method of providing field deployable health physics core competencies and response training for the 72A, Nuclear Medical Science Officer, wartime mission. Exercises allow 72As to engage in rapid professional development by exploring applied health physics competencies such as radiological detection, survey planning, sample collection, contamination mitigation, safety controls, data interpretation, field calculations, tracking battlefield exposure, evaluating mission Operational Exposure Guidance, and advising battlefield Commanders and Staff in support of the Sustainment and Protection Warfighting Functions. These areas can be practiced in an academic setting, but the essential aspect of utilizing developmental field exercises is the ability to interlace health physics practice with critical thinking useful to battlefield radiological threats and other Army roles and responsibilities in support of the DoD, US Allies, and Federal, State, and local agencies. These vital areas of development will be discussed through recent military exercises and drills showcasing the value earned during each event and the interconnected requirements of the Health Physics Profession and the Army Profession for the Army Health Physicist, the 72A, Nuclear Medical Science Officer.

WAM-C.9   11:30  Removal of the Last Cs-137 Blood Irradiator in the Military Health System JL Allen*, Defense Health Agency ; RA Reyes, Defense Health Agency; DA Smith, Defense Health Agency; RN Wagner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission; RL Van Way, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth

Abstract: The Defense Health Agency (DHA) took possession of a blood irradiator containing Cs-137, located at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) in southeast Virginia, in 2019. The blood irradiator at NMCP used a Cs-137 source to sterilize blood products prior to patient use. The use of radioactive material in these types of irradiators represents a U.S. Government concern of theft or terrorism. The Department of Energy’s Cesium Irradiator Replacement Project funds the removal of these devices and replacement with irradiators utilizing machine-generated x-ray sources. Successful removal and transfer of the irradiator required careful planning and extensive coordination between multiple government agencies and regulatory bodies. This presentation will discuss the events leading up to removal, planning steps, the removal process, and the intergovernmental coordination required to successfully complete the project. DHA successfully removed the irradiator in May 2022. At the time of removal, it was the last blood irradiator of its kind in the Military Health System.

WAM-C.10   11:45  “Establishing Metrics for Monitoring Defense Health Agency Military Treatment Facility Radiation Safety Programs” GN Keeney*, DOD Defense Health Agency ; RA Reyes, DOD DHA; S Shivji, DOD DHA; DA Smith, DOD DHA; BK Lazarenochavez, DOD DHA; JL Allen, DOD DHA; CA Dufford, DOD DHA; KH Hammersborg, DOD DHA; WS Bosley, DOD DHA

Abstract: This session provides an overview of the core metrics and methodology devised to monitor regulatory compliance and gauge overall effectiveness of radiation safety programs and surveillance practices across the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Health Agency (DHA) Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs). Discussions include descriptions of the fundamental performance metrics originating with the DHA Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Broadscope Radioactive Material License and continues with a narrative of the baseline criteria and values established to gauge compliance with regulatory thresholds. These threshold criteria and related conduct of operations provisions are implemented at each of Thirty-one MTFs and the Medical Education Training Campus (METC) via DHA Administrative Instructions (AIs). These Instructions outline the organizational hierarchy and describe functional roles and responsibilities for all clinical use involving licensed radioactive material as well as ionizing and non-ionizing radiation generating devices. The presentation finishes with a discussion of key challenges in efforts to standardize regulatory compliance monitoring and reporting practices across an expansive tri-military-service enterprise.

WAM-C.11   12:00  Health physics support to a military unit with a unique mission that includes addressing radiological/nuclear engagements- capability development - capacity challenges WS Bosley*, Defense Health Agency ; RA Reyes, Defense Health Agency; DA Smith, Defense Health Agency; JL Allen, Defense Health Agency; GN Keeney, Defense Health Agency; S Shivji, Defense Health Agency

Abstract: Radiological events provide a unique set of challenges to military operations. The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Radiation Safety Program (RSP) in its Combat Support role can provide health physics support to military units in support of radiological operations. Deploying units may not have extensive experience with operations involving radiological contamination, or high radiation exposure levels. During a notional radiological event, the DHA RSP staff can: deploy to provide advisory support to Senior Leaders, lead radiological training to personnel, assess radiological detection capabilities, support selection for personal protective equipment, manage radiation exposure for operational forces, provide oversight of radiological surveys, advice on medical countermeasures, and provide assessment of radiological risk with respect to overall mission. This presentation is an overview of the DHA RSP support for enhancing deployable unit’s capability and building the necessary capacity to operate in a radiological environment.

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