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WPM-B - Academic Health Physics

Woodrow Wilson B   14:15 - 17:15

Chair(s): Subashri Kurgatt
WPM-B.1   14:15  Making the Switch: Transitioning from Cs-137 to X-ray Irradiators Results in Increased Use DR Fennesy*, UTHealth Houston ; JM Gutierrez, UTHealth Houston

Abstract: Summary: The Office of Radiological Security promotes a program “CIRP”, (Cesium Irradiator Replacement Program) that financially and physically assists in the removal of Cesium Irradiators with the enticement of aid in purchasing a replacement X-ray Irradiator. All users who have made the switch have been relieved of the security screening concerns, and in many cases, reduction of insurance premiums, reduced charges on RAM licenses, and less man hours/cost to maintain secure status. In almost every instance, irradiation use has increased due to the ease of access to the user. For Blood Bank applications, it has become quite beneficial to use the X-ray irradiators since there is a high throughput and very little concern about filters and shielding. Most of the migration has occurred with blood irradiation. Those using irradiation for research purposes have been slow to change. This is primarily due to the early generation of X-ray irradiators that did not offer the amenities that the current units offer. While cell irradiation has been easy to achieve, irradiation of animals has been a greater challenge. However, filtering out the low energy rays with optimal metal filters and employing other key factors, the X-ray Irradiator can allow researchers to do far more than the “one setting fits all” Cesium Irradiator. While the benefits are offered by ORS, it is highly advisable to make the switch. Not only does the X-Ray Irradiator have more to offer, the users are pleased with easy access. Most of all, it takes the potential high security risk off the table.

WPM-B.2   14:30  Experience of Replacing a Cesium Irradiator in the midst of a Pandemic S Kurgatt*, Virginia Commonwealth University

Abstract: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) replaced a research applications Gamma Cell Cesium Irradiator with an x-ray irradiator. The project was supported with partial funding from the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administrations Office of Radiological Security. Discussions on irradiator replacement started as early as 2014 and in 2018 researcher agreed upon replacement of a cesium irradiator with an x-ray irradiator. The entire project required coordination between VCU divisions with a number of federal offices. Despite delays and complications due to the pandemic, funding was finally secured in 2020. In spite of the delay the University managed to successfully decommission the cesium irradiator on May 25th 2022. An Xstrahl cabinet irradiator was installed in its place. By installing the Xstrahl cabinet irradiator, VCU has realized 30-40 personnel hours savings and eliminated increased controls costs associated with cesium irradiator. Researchers are now able to deliver accurate dose to their biological samples with enlarged spectrum.

WPM-B.3   14:45  Improvements of Radiation Safety Training in a Post Covid Environment C Cotton*, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; C Wilson, University of Alabama at Birmingham; E Caffrey, University of Alabama at Birmingham; R Heath, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Abstract: At the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) hundreds of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures involving radioactive materials or radiation-producing machines are performed daily. A growing number of minor but preventable incidents related to radiation safety have brought up concerns related to the effectiveness of the training program. Historically, training of authorized users and personnel cantered around a week of lectures delivered by members of the UAB Radiation Safety Program (RSP), culminating in a 100-question exam to determine competency and understanding of principles related to health physics. Technological advances and a desire to make the training more accessible resulted in training being moved to an online medium, where concepts are taught over one to three text-based files, less than ten pages each, with five multiple-choice questions to test competency, consistent with many other universities and hospitals. The authors were interested to find out if this training could be the likely cause of the minor issues observed and how the training could be improved. A comprehensive literature review was performed to summarize post-covid insights into andragogic online training practices, statistical analyses, and overall retention competencies in radiation safety. The review found that personnel in other institutions often suffered from a lack of understanding of foundational radiation safety concepts before interventions. While studies show that lectures can increase an employee’s understanding, andragogic research shows that the best method of training adult learners is controlled simulations that test one’s critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, drawing upon previous knowledge or experiences. The authors conclude a proposed radiation safety training curriculum that aims to be tested within a subgroup at UAB, using pre- and post-testing as well as efficient use of limited university resources and maximizing radiation safety concepts retained, and they anticipate an increased competency and a marked reduction in radiation safety incidents.

WPM-B.4   15:00  Development of the Research Facilities for a Next Generation University Research Reactor NA Hugger*, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Abstract: The Nuclear Science and Engineering Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and Westinghouse LLC are collaborating on a design for a next generation University Research Reactor (URR) that can also provide a zero-emission source of energy to the campus. Funded by NRC, we are studying how an eVinci 5MWe microreactor can be used as the source of this next generation research reactor facility. To that end, our first step is to develop a MCNP model of the eVinci reactor to determine the radiation fields created during normal operations and the shielding needed to meet the regulatory requirements. This shielding thickness was used for a beam port design, with its neutron flux and energy spectrum determined for use in neutron activation, radiography, and small angle neutron scatterings (SANS) experiments. Additionally, the neutron energy spectrum and flux were determined in ex-core activation channels along the reactor primary containment vessel. Of particular interest for this study is the efficacy of radioisotope production. To evaluate this molyednumn-99 samples were placed in the core. Technetium production rates, effects on fuel cycle and reactivity were determined.

WPM-B.6   15:30  Evaluation of Particle Movement in Laboratory Fume Hoods S Altamimi*, University of Tennessee - Knoxville ; JE Davis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; LH Heilbronn, University of Tennessee - Knoxvile

Abstract: In today’s scientific laboratories, fume hoods are routinely used for the handling of particulate material, in addition to the fumes and gases for which they were designed. An understanding of the likelihood of material escape is essential for determining whether the control offered by a fume hood is sufficient for protecting researchers. This study investigates particle movement in laboratory fume hoods under different scenarios. Numerical evaluation and controlled drop experiments using TiO2 and ZnS were conducted to determine whether as-built airflow is sufficient to overcome the momentum of particles ejected from the dropped sample. The amount of material handled, sash height, and drop height were varied, and the amount of material escaping the enclosure was determined for each independent variable. Although not specifically considered in this work, additional factors such as in-hood clutter and movement within the laboratory also influence the effectiveness of a hood in preventing the spread of containment.

WPM-B.7   15:45  What every health physicist should know about ChatGPT N Rashidifard*, Mirion ; CA Wilson, University of Alabama at Birmingham; EA Caffrey, University of Alabama at Birmingham; ChatGPT

Abstract: "Write an abstract on what health physicists should know about ChatGPT" Health physicists are professionals who specialize in protecting individuals and the environment from radiation hazards. With the emergence of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, there is a growing need for health physicists to be aware of their potential applications and implications. ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to natural language queries. Health physicists should know that ChatGPT can be a useful tool for analyzing and interpreting complex data related to radiation protection. For instance, ChatGPT can assist in identifying potential radiation hazards in a given environment, predicting the spread of radiation in a specific area, and recommending appropriate protective measures. Additionally, health physicists should be aware that ChatGPT has its limitations and potential biases. For instance, ChatGPT's responses are only as accurate as the data it has been trained on. Therefore, health physicists should carefully evaluate the information provided by ChatGPT and validate it against other sources. Finally, health physicists should be mindful of the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence in radiation protection. As with any technology, the use of ChatGPT must be transparent, accountable, and subject to appropriate oversight to ensure that it is used in the best interest of public health and safety.

WPM-B.8   16:00  A Regulatory Perspective on Communicating Radiation Protection in the Modern World PK Gyan*, Nuclear Regulatory Authority

Abstract: Despite the fact that radiation protection is generally effective, there are a number of conceptual and practical difficulties that are still unresolved in the present day. Several of these problems, among others, are quite typical in several fields of radiation protection: i.e. (i) the need to strengthen efforts for the safe use of new technology in medicine, (ii) the need to update regulations and guidelines, (iii) the need to improve front line officer training, (iv) the total lack of medical physicists, (v) the need to promote the use of Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRL), (vi) the need to increase efforts to prevent incidents and accidents in medical exposures, and (vii) the need to improve radiation protection training and the culture of radiation safety. Additionally, the proliferation of nuclear materials for malicious intents such as creation of weapons to harm others, is another major issue among Stakeholders today since the long-term impacts of radiation accidents including cancers, DNA mutations, birth defects and reduction in the ecological integrity may be very distractive to a progressing nuclear industry. Nowadays, considering the surging advancements in the use of radioactive technologies in the Medical, Energy and Food industries, these concerns have become imperative to address since these industries are unavoidable by majority of the world’s population today. The nuclear industry has currently made significant progress in using nuclear energy to address the most urgent issues of carbon neutrality. Due to previous catastrophic events such as the Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents, public confidence in the use of nuclear energy has dwindled to nothing. In light of this, the research paper aims to present practical methodologies from the regulators’ perspective, which will encourage implementing the suggested solutions to promote public health and ecological integrity. This will be accomplished through the exchange of information and experiences among stakeholders and other professional societies, including Technical Support Organizations (TSOs). It is speculated that the proposed methodology will have a positive impact on the modern world when it is put into practice, considering the advancements in the nuclear industry today.

WPM-B.9   16:15  Employing the Three Principles for Radiation Safety in 1980s Radio-Chemistry DL Haes*, Consultant ; Do Haes

Abstract: As Health Physicists, we are relentlessly taught the three principles of Radiation Safety: Time, Distance, and Shielding. Ever wonder how these are actually put into practice where and when it really counts? Have you ever seen Cherenkov radiation outside of a Reactor pool? How about handling tens of terabecquerels of an inert radioactive gas cryogenically? See how these three basic but important principles were applied in the field of Radio-Chemistry in the 1980s and more in this entertaining presentation. This pictorial history presents the processing of hundreds of terabecquerel “targets” from a cyclotron or a remote Reactor, into a “hot-cell”, and finally for processing into a radiopharmaceutical. The radionuclides included will be Tl 201, Ga 67, In 111, Xe 133 (gas), and Mo 99 generators.


Abstract: The comprehension and retention of principles conveyed with radiation protection training is challenging. Training has been elevated with dynamic learning activities through simulation: Train like you work. The integration of hardware simulators in radiation protection training over the years has elevated hands-on training to heightened realism in the everyday educational environment. There are many benefits to this type of training including measurable evaluations of Workforce personnel learnings, which in some cases may qualify them for specific jobs. The aspect of SEEING radiation in this training has been to expose students to imaginary radiation fields and have them utilize simulated detection equipment to determine the exposures. Imagine instead giving students the ability to now visualize the exposures in this training environment not only with their detection equipment but also with their eyes. What do we mean? The ability to wear specialized goggles that allow one to see their real-life physical environments with an overlay of colored contamination effects based on the modeling of sources of radiation. This is VIZRAD AR: Powered by VIPER: a method for visualizing and interacting with ionizing radiation data using Augmented Reality (AR) and simulated radiation detectors. One can: 1. Model simulated exposures in a physical environment 2. Wear the AR headset (like glasses) allows one to see the physical environment along with colored 3D exposure “patterns” overlaid on the environment 3. Handle simulated radiation detection equipment in the environment that will respond to the 3D exposure patterns like actual detection equipment would in a “real” exposure scenario with genuine audible and visual indicators and tactile controls 4. See the effects of one’s dose accumulation as they have traversed the environment, not virtually but by actually walking the area 5. Practice ALARA techniques of time, distance and shielding to properly use radiation detection meters to detect exposures while visually seeing oneself in the exposure fields 6. Demonstrate the efficacy of survey techniques to minimize time spent in a simulated radiation field 7. Model different geometries of radiation sources and visualize their effects on dose rate in an area This hands-on approach raises the level of training and education in radiation protection. The result is a quantifiable experience that provides a record of performance, measuring impact in the real world. This integration of technologies is a next generation learning experience of modeling, visualizing and real-world simulations for a better, safer, more-prepared radiation protection workforce.

WPM-B.11   16:45  Radiation in Pop Culture MM Murungi*, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; EA Caffrey, University of Alabama at Birmingham; CA Wilson, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Abstract: Since the beginning of radiation as a science, multiple franchises have built stories surrounding radiation across fiction and popular culture. While intriguing and profitable, the stories elicit a wide range of views of radiation that have a great impact on the view of radiation from the general public’s perspective. Previously, research has been conducted proving the holes in the science of the stories in some popular culture franchises such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; however, little research is readily accessible analyzing the views of radiation in popular culture. The power of popular culture and its ability to spread information and influence views on topics calls into question the effect this may have specifically pertaining to radiation in the eye of the public. These gaps in knowledge and implications of popular culture’s effects of public views have driven the interest of the authors to discover a correlation between the views of radiation reflected in popular culture (positive, neutral and negative) and the opinions of radiation held by the general public. A website is being created in preparation to crowdsource a reference bank of pop culture sources that mention radiation in the story and collect the opinions held by the sources and the general public. This sentence will mention findings, results and arguments. The authors plan to establish or disprove a correlation between the opinions of radiation in pop culture and the views held by the general public and propose an intervention to offset this phenomenon.

WPM-B.12   17:00  Continuing Education in HPS: The Future is Now! JM Mahathy*, ORAU

Abstract: The Health Physics Society (HPS) Board of Directors recently approved a new structure for facilitation of continuing education. The previous Continuing Education and Professional Development School committees have been merged into the Continuing Education Programs (CEP) committee as a more efficient committee designed to address training needs across multiple formats. The CEP committee will continue to organize and offer Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) Continuing Education Lecture (CEL) courses at Society annual meetings. CEP is hosting a PDS at this meeting on Internal Dosimetry. Going forward the Committee plans to provide virtual webinars and webinar series for members as a free member resource. CEP will support HPS sections which may now provide webinars on section topics. CEP will also look for opportunities to present professional development topics in virtual format as well. Lastly, the Committee will maintain a library of PEP courses available for subscription on demand. The future is now in HPS!

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