Welcome to WHIP 2022!
You won't want to miss WHIP 2022. We have an exciting lineup of speakers, including Tania Watts (U Toronto), Boris Striepen (UPenn), and Keke Fairfax (U Utah). Our program will, as always, feature the work of talented trainees and junior faculty members. Keynotes and all oral presentations will be available to virtual attendees, and there will be a special session for virtual attendees to deliver talks selected from submitted abstracts via an online platform. We will have both in-person and virtual poster sessions to ensure that all participants have an opportunity to present their work.
Best, Elia and Jude
Program Committee
- Organziner: Elia Tait Wojno, PhD, University of Washington
- Co-Organizer: Jude Uzonna, DVM, PhD, University of Manitoba
Advisory Committee
- Dr. Chris Hunter (UPenn)
- Dr. De’Broski Herbert (UPenn)
- Dr. Eva Frickel (U Birmingham)
- Dr. Lucas Carvalho (U Federale da Bahia)
- Dr. Melissa Lodoen (UC Irvine)
- Dr. P’ng Loke (NIH)
- Dr. Phil Scott (UPenn)
- Dr. Tracey Lamb (U Utah)
Keynote Speakers
Boris Striepen, PhD
University of Pennsylvania -
Keke Fairfax
University of Utah -
Tania Watts, PhD
University of Toronto