2020 Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting & Exhibition
26-29 January 2020, Bethesda, MD

CAMPEP Statement
The program committee has received approval for 17.1 hours of CAMPEP credits.

Program - Session Listing

[Program Search]


PL-108:15 - 09:30Grand Ballroom BCIntroduction and Opening Plenary Session
MAM-A10:00 - 11:30Grand Ballroom AEnvironmental
MAM-B10:00 - 11:45Grand Ballroom BCEmergency Planning/Response
P13:00 - 14:00Grand Ballroom D-HPoster Session
MPM-A14:00 - 17:00Grand Ballroom AMedical Health Physics Special Session- Fluoroscopy Operators Credentialing & Privileging
MPM-B14:00 - 15:30Grand Ballroom BCNRC Special Session 1- Decommissioning Lessons Learned
MPM-C16:00 - 17:15Grand Ballroom BCNRC Special Session 2 - NRC Decommissioning Guidance and Inspection Overview


PL-208:25 - 09:30Grand Ballroom BCPlenary Session #2
TAM-A10:00 - 12:30Grand Ballroom BCNCRP Special Session 1 - Radiation Protection in Medicine: Safety-related Issues
TAM-B10:00 - 12:00Grand Ballroom AOperational Health Physics and Current Events
P-Tue13:00 - 14:00Grand Ballroom D-HPoster Session
TPM-A14:00 - 17:15Grand Ballroom BCNCRP Special Session 2 - Radiation Protection in Medicine: Doses, Dosimetry and Low Dose Considerations
TPM-B14:00 - 14:45Grand Ballroom AInstrumentation
TPM-C15:15 - 16:30Grand Ballroom AMilitary Health Physics


PL-308:25 - 09:30Grand Ballroom BCPlenary Session #3
WAM-A10:00 - 11:30Grand Ballroom AMedical Health Physics
WAM-B10:00 - 11:40Grand Ballroom BCHPS Government Relations Special Session- What Would You Like the HPS Government Relations Program to Do for You?
WPM-A14:00 - 15:00Grand Ballroom ARisk Analysis
WPM-B14:00 - 16:15Grand Ballroom BCRegulatory/Legal Issues