Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

JMIH is committed to providing a meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas. In order to promote that environment, JMIH is committed to equal opportunity and treatment for all meeting participants, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, medical condition, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. JMIH strives to create at its meetings an environment free from harassment and discrimination. The JMIH meeting should serve as an effective forum to consider and debate science-relevant viewpoints in a respectful, civil, and fair manner. Meeting participants are expected to uphold standards of scientific integrity and professional ethics and must comply with these standards of behavior. Harassment and other forms of misconduct undermine the integrity of JMIH meetings and are strictly prohibited. Please view the code of conduct to get all of the details on what JMIH is doing to make meetings a harassment free zone.

If you need to report a code of conduct violation, please click HERE.

The meeting ombuds is Paula Brantner of PB Work Solutions, who will receive reports through the form above. You may also contact Paula by phone or text at 202.688.7297 or via email at, to further discuss any potential violation that you experienced during the JMIH meeting or whether to make a code of conduct report.

To view the JMIH code of conduct, click HERE.