ASP Code of Conduct

ASP Code of Conduct

The American Society for Photobiology (ASP) is dedicated to ensuring a discrimination-free and harassment-free environment at its conferences. All attendees (including, but not limited to, participation as a volunteer, vendor, exhibitor, registrant, member of the public, or guest) are required to adhere to the ASP Conference Code of Conduct to maintain an inclusive, safe, and respectful atmosphere.

Expected Behavior:

  • Respect and Dignity: Treat all individuals with respect and dignity, valuing diversity and differing viewpoints.
  • Non-Discrimination: Refrain from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, nationality, or religion.
  • Harassment-Free Environment: Avoid any form of harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.
  • Professional Behavior: Engage in professional behavior, avoiding disruptive conduct during oral and poster presentations.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: Respect the confidentiality and privacy of other participants, and do not disclose personal or sensitive information without consent.

Reporting Procedures:

If you experience or observe harassment or other unacceptable behavior, we recommend that you write down the details as soon as possible, in as much detail as possible, to help you to recall specific events in the future. If you believe you have experienced or observed harassment, notify ASP in one or more of the following ways.

  • The Code of Conduct rapid response line (703) 592-9946.
  • Via our confidential reporting web portal which connects to ASP’s independent Safety Officer.
  • At the meeting registration desk for in-person meetings.
  • By contacting one of the Society’s Executive Officers (President, Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer) or ASP 2024 Program Chair.


  • Immediate Compliance: Attendees asked to stop any inappropriate behavior are expected to comply immediately.
  • Consequences of Misconduct: The ASP reserves all rights to take any lawful and appropriate remedial and/or preventative action with respect to any individual who does not abide by this Code of Conduct and/or the incorporated policies, or disregards or violates sanctions imposed by other adjudicating bodies (e.g., court orders, universities), including:
    • Removal from or denial of access to the meeting without a refund of any applicable registration fees.
    • Disqualification from attendance at future meetings.
    • Disqualification from attendance at future meetings.
    • Reporting to the attendee’s institution or employer if necessary.

Commitment to Inclusivity:

  • ASP is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all participants feel welcome and valued, regardless of their background, identity, or experience.
  • By fostering an inclusive and respectful environment, ASP aims to ensure a productive and enjoyable experience for all participants.

ASP President
Shiyong Wu

ASP 2024 Program Chairs
Masaoki Kawasumi,
Shobhan Gaddameedhi,