Program Committee
The Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting is a place to share current research and network with professional peers. Graduate students compete for presentation awards. Joining SICB are The Crustacean Society and American Microscopical Society.
- Program Officer, Chair – Susan Williams
- Program Officer-Elect – Jake Socha
- DAB Program Officer - Scott MacDougall-Shackleton
- DCB Program Officer - Philip Anderson
- DCE Program Officer - Brian Walker
- DCPB Program Officer - Kristi Montooth
- DEDE Program Officer - Cynthia Downs
- DEE Program Officer - Michele Nishiguchi
- DEDB Program Officer - Matthew Rockman
- DIZ Program Officer - Linda Walters
- DNB Program Officer - Jeff Riffell
- DPCB Program Officer - Todd Oakley
- DVM Program Officer - Mason Dean
- Lori Strong
Program Committee
SICB Meetings Director