Information for Caregivers

Information for caregivers

The IUSSI organizing committee will be supporting delegates who have caregiving responsibilities in the following ways:

  • 1. Caregiver grants - apply for funds to support caregiving responsibilities when you register for the conference (see call details below). Grants will be awarded to delegates from any IUSSI section and will be available for any type of caregiving responsibilities.
  • 2. On-site childcare - If there is sufficient interest (12 children or more, ages 6months-17years), there will be on-site child care provided by professional caregivers from KiddieCorp ( Please indicate your interest in on-site childcare by signing up for the mailing list during registration (see “Social Connections”). If you decide later (after you register), you can email to be added to the mailing list. If you are applying for a caregiver grant, please also indicate your interest in on-site childcare in the 'Justification for request for support' section of your application.

Caregiver grants call:

Applications due 10 April 2022, Decisions will be made by 25 April 2022.

The Caregiver Grant will provide financial assistance for active IUSSI members whose caregiving responsibilities for dependent persons would otherwise limit their ability to attend and present at the IUSSI congress in San Diego 2022. Dependents include, but are not limited to, young children and aging parents. Receiving this award does not preclude members from applying for other travel awards offered by their sections.

We encourage applications from anyone whose caregiving responsibilities may limit their meaningful participation in-person or remotely.

Candidates will be prioritized by their need, and whether or not they will be presenting a talk, with preference given to applicants who are presenting their work. The award money may be spent in any of a variety of ways to support your conference participation. Examples include daycare, childcare at home, on site care at the conference venue, costs of travel for a caregiver to help with caregiving responsibilities etc. Funds should be used to support dependent care rather than cover other costs associated with meeting attendance.

To apply, please provide the following by 10 April 2022:

  • Your submitted abstract, including the title
  • Your curriculum vita (CV)
  • Justification for request for support (one paragraph)
  • A brief statement about your previous attendance at IUSSI meetings
  • A budget detailing your needs

Apply for a Caregiver Grant